Placement Test
child placement test for 5B, elementry, middle and high
The placement tests allow us to gauge where your child should start our program. If your child's result is above 80 marks, he can proceed to the next level higher than the test taken. For example, if your child sits the placement test for Primary 5B and gets a grade of 85, he is ready to proceed to the next level. However if he gets 65 marks, it means there are some concepts he is still unfamiliar with. In that case, we recommend that he start our program from Primary Level 5B.
 Placement Tests Elementary ( Grade I to VI )
Grade I Cybershala placement test 1A Cybershala placement test 1B
Grade II Cybershala placement test 2A Cybershala placement test 2B
Grade III Cybershala placement test 3A Cybershala placement test 3B
Grade IV Cybershala placement test 4A Cybershala placement test 4B
Grade V Cybershala placement test 5A Cybershala placement test 5B
Grade VI Cybershala placement test 6A Cybershala placement test 6B
 Placement Tests Middle ( Grade VII to IX )
Coming Soon!
 Placement Tests High ( Grade X to XII )
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-- Albert Einstein

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