The example shows how to build KoolSlideMenu from mySQL data.
Below is the sample datatable:
| ID | ParentID | IsChild | Text |
| addprograms | systemtasks | 1 | Add programs |
| addusers | systemtasks | 1 | Add Users |
| Business | exploresite | 1 | Business |
| buytickets | exploresite | 1 | Buy Tickets |
| careers | exploresite | 1 | Careers |
| changesettings | systemtasks | 1 | Change settings |
| companyhome | root | 0 | Company Home |
| ControlPanel | otherplaces | 1 | Control Panel |
| DiscussionCent | resources | 1 | Discussion Center |
| downloads | companyhome | 1 | Downloads |
| Enewsletters | resources | 1 | E-Newsletters |
| entertainment | companyhome | 1 | Entertainment |
| exploresite | root | 0 | Explore Site |
| games | companyhome | 1 | Games |
| greetingcards | companyhome | 1 | Greeting Cards |
| MyDocuments | otherplaces | 1 | My Documents |
| MyNetworkPlaces | otherplaces | 1 | My Network Places |
| newcars | companyhome | 1 | New cars |
| OnlineBookLib | resources | 1 | Online Book |
| OnlineCourses | resources | 1 | Online Courses |
| otherplaces | root | 0 | Other Places |
| resources | root | 0 | Resources |
| SharedDocuments | otherplaces | 1 | Shared Documents |
| smartstuff | companyhome | 1 | Smart Stuff |
| systemtasks | root | 0 | System Tasks |
| viewsysteminfo | systemtasks | 1 | View System info |
| WhitePapers | resources | 1 | White Papers |
span style="color: #ff0000;">"/KoolSlideMenu/koolslidemenu.php""ksm");
$ksm->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolSlideMenu";
$ksm->styleFolder = $KoolControlsFolder."KoolSlideMenu/styles/bluearrow";
$ksm->width="200px""select ID,ParentID,IsChild,Text from tb_SlideMenu""IsChild"]==1)
$ksm->addChild($row["ParentID"],$row["ID"],$row["Text""ParentID"],$row["ID"],$row["Text""form1" method="post">
<div style="padding-left:10px;"