KoolSlideMenu - Excellent PHP MenuKoolSlideMenu - Excellent PHP MenuTrialVersion released on 12/17/2009

Create Menu Using Data - Using Database

The example requires database in order to run. Click here to install now!

Description & Sample code

The example shows how to build KoolSlideMenu from mySQL data.

Below is the sample datatable:

|         ID         |      ParentID      |      IsChild       |        Text        |
| addprograms        | systemtasks        | 1                  | Add programs       |
| addusers           | systemtasks        | 1                  | Add Users          |
| Business           | exploresite        | 1                  | Business           |
| buytickets         | exploresite        | 1                  | Buy Tickets        |
| careers            | exploresite        | 1                  | Careers            |
| changesettings     | systemtasks        | 1                  | Change settings    |
| companyhome        | root               | 0                  | Company Home       |
| ControlPanel       | otherplaces        | 1                  | Control Panel      |
| DiscussionCent     | resources          | 1                  | Discussion Center  |
| downloads          | companyhome        | 1                  | Downloads          |
| Enewsletters       | resources          | 1                  | E-Newsletters      |
| entertainment      | companyhome        | 1                  | Entertainment      |
| exploresite        | root               | 0                  | Explore Site       |
| games              | companyhome        | 1                  | Games              |
| greetingcards      | companyhome        | 1                  | Greeting Cards     |
| MyDocuments        | otherplaces        | 1                  | My Documents       |
| MyNetworkPlaces    | otherplaces        | 1                  | My Network Places  |
| newcars            | companyhome        | 1                  | New cars           |
| OnlineBookLib      | resources          | 1                  | Online Book        |
| OnlineCourses      | resources          | 1                  | Online Courses     |
| otherplaces        | root               | 0                  | Other Places       |
| resources          | root               | 0                  | Resources          |
| SharedDocuments    | otherplaces        | 1                  | Shared Documents   |
| smartstuff         | companyhome        | 1                  | Smart Stuff        |
| systemtasks        | root               | 0                  | System Tasks       |
| viewsysteminfo     | systemtasks        | 1                  | View System info   |
| WhitePapers        | resources          | 1                  | White Papers       |