Grade I
Grade II
Grade III
Grade IV
Grade V
Grade VI
Grade VII
Grade VIII
Interactive Science for Inquiring Minds B
Theme 5: ENERGY
Energy Forms and Conversion
Energy and its Various Forms
Conversion of Energy
Conserving Energy
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How fast is Light?
Reflection of Light?
Images Formed by a Plane Mirror
Effects and Uses of Reflecting Surfaces
Refraction of Light
Dispersion of White Light
Seeing Colours
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Electric Current
Electric Circuits
Potential Difference or Voltage
Effects of Electric Current
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Using Electricity
Safe Use of Electricity
Electric Power
Reducing Electrical Energy Wastage
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Photosynthesis and Respiration
Plants - The Primary Food Source
Breathing and Aerobic Respiration
Photosynthesis and Respiration
Ornamental Plants and Large-Scale Crop Production
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Interactive Science for Inquiring Minds B
Concept of Force and Pressure
Effects of a Force
Some Examples of Forces
Measuring Forces
Force and Pressure
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Moment of a Force
Moment of a Force
Calculation of the Moment of a Force
Applications of Moments in Everyday Life
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What is Work?
Calculating Work Done by a Force
When is Work Not Done?
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Effects of Heat
Effects of Heat on Matter
Effects of Thermal Expansion and Contraction
Applications of Thermal Expansion and Contraction
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Transmission of Heat
Transmission of Heat
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Chemical Changes
Chemical Reactions
Chemical Changes Caused by Heating
Chemical Changes Caused by Mixing
Chemical Changes Caused by Exposure to Light
Chemical Changes Caused by Passing an Electric Current through a Substance
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Populations, Communities and Ecosystems
Population and Community
Interrelationships between Organisms
The Physical Environment
Conserving the Environment
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Populations, Communities and Ecosystems
How an Ecosystem Works
Food Chains and Food Webs
Flow of Energy through an Ecosystem
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Nutrient Cycles in the Ecosystem
Recycling Nutrients
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