Our Corporation
We understand that you are feeling anxious for your academic performance. That your anxiety results in some negative feelings about yourself. Perhaps you feel you are having trouble catching up with the top performers in your class. We are aware of how worried you might be about getting admitted to the college of your choice and about how that might impact your future careers. We realize how all this anxiety and negativity can cause a capable person to lose motivation.
Don't lose hope! Help is just around the corner. We at cybeRShala believe that all children have the potential for extraordinary achievement once they learn how. Through our unique combination of best teaching practices and curriculum, we will put you back on the path of success.
  • Listen and ask questions: We encourage you to listen carefully to the teacher. Listening in class is the easiest way for you to learn. Ask the teacher questions when you do not understand.

  • Try to avoid pointless talking :Avoid talking unnecessarily during the session and interacting with other family members during that time.

  • Take notes: We encourage you to take notes since this will help you concentrate on what is being said and taught in the lesson.

  • Participate in discussions: Actively participate in class. It will greatly increase your interest in what you are learning and stimulate your curiosity.

  • Be prepared to participate in the next session :Write down assignments and due dates so that you are well prepared for the next session.

  • Do not close or minimize your browser sessions: It is very important that you stay focused on the session. Do not open other browsers or programs while in the session.

  • Practice use of technology: Regularly use writing tablet/pen, headset, webcam and try to become comfortable as soon as possible with the technology.
  • You are expected to adhere to online class session etiquette.

  • You shall not post any messages or materials anonymously or under a false name.

  • You agree not to impersonate any other person or entity, whether actual or fictitious.

  • You will not harm minors in any way.

  • You are solely responsible for any statements that are posted using your account.

  • You shall not upload to, distribute through or otherwise publish through this Website any content that is defamatory, obscene, pornographic, sexually oriented, vulgar, offensive (racially or otherwise), profane, threatening, invasive of privacy, abusive, illegal or otherwise objectionable that would constitute or encourage a criminal offense, giving rise to civil liability, violate the rights of any party, or otherwise giving rise to liability or violate any law. We reserve the right to determine what is inappropriate for posting on this Website.

  • You shall only post another party's materials if you have first obtained appropriate copyright or other permission to upload such materials and to permit downloading by other users for personal, educational, and noncommercial use. You shall not violate, plagiarize or infringe on the rights of third parties.

  • You shall not distribute or otherwise publish any material containing any solicitation of funds, promotion, advertising, or solicitation of goods, services or membership.

  • You shall not post on the Website any corrupted files, files that contain viruses or other destructive features, or any software or programs that may corrupt or damage another party's computer or computer system. You are responsible to ensure this.

  • You shall not post on the Website chain letters, junk mail, pyramid schemes, surveys, contests, charity or donation requests or petitions for signatures.

  • You shall not spam. (We define spam as the sending of messages, individually or en masse, to persons who did not request it and/or would not otherwise choose to receive it regardless of whether sent by a business, individual or a nonprofit body).

  • You shall not interfere with, restrict or inhibit other users of this Website. You shall not attack our computer system or the Website nor create or cause a situation whereby other users are affected in their enjoyment or use of the Website.

  • You shall not disrupt the normal flow of dialogue, cause a screen to "scroll" faster than other users of the Service are able to type, or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users' ability to engage in real time exchanges.

  • You shall not interfere with or disrupt the Service or servers or networks connected to the Service, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Service.

  • Any use by you of another student's information, personal or otherwise, for any commercial purpose or to obtain any financial gain is strictly prohibited. Commercial use by you of any product or service on this Website is strictly prohibited.

  • Only the applicant authorized to use this Website shall do so and no other, whether it may be a sibling, family member or relative in his/her stead.
  • A: Always know that you are capable.
  • B: Believe that time invested will lead to mastery of academic.
  • C: Can :You can do it.
  • D: Do your best and feel good about it.
  • E: Errors :Errors are an indicator of what still needs to be learned.
  • F: Finishing what you start is a great thing to do.
  • G: Good idea can become great when given focus time.
  • H: High expectation of yourself.
  • I: I can do it.
  • J: Journey to success is in my hand.
  • K: Keep your goals in mind.
  • L: Let me try.
  • M: Many ways to solve a problem.
  • N: No problem is so big that can’t be solved.
  • O: Out of the questions of students come most of the creative ideas and discoveries.
  • P: Positive attitude always helps.
  • Q: Quitter never wins and a winner never quits.
  • R: Realize your true potential.
  • S: Student approaching a problem is like the scientist operating at the edge of his field.
  • T: Through learning we re-create ourselves.
  • U: Unless we undertake more than we possibly can do, we will never do all that we can.
  • V: Vision with action can change the world.
  • W: Willing is not enough; we must do.
  • X: Xtreme devotion to learning pays in long run.
  • Y: You must learn day by day, year by year, to broaden your horizon.
  • Z: Zeal and zest for learning translates to success.