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Our use of best teaching practices combined with and a thorough understanding of how children actually learn prepares your child for the challenges of the changing world.

That ideology is what we believe to be true. That ideology shapes the structure of our is program, and our actions grow out of that structure to produce results.
Just as we need the right soil and seed to cultivate a dazzling flower , your children need the right mix of method and curriculum. cybeRShala aims to strengthen your child's true potential by building strong foundation and following a methodical teaching program in combin ation with proven curriculum.
Our classrooms are fun and lively online interactive virtual classrooms which use cutting edge technology To enable Face-to-Face Video/audio conferencing. All from the convenience and comfort of your home. By using a regular web cam and hands-free headset children can see and hear their peers and the Learning facilitator. It can work on almost any computer, including Macs. All you need is an Internet connection which preferably should be over broadband for best results.
cybeRSala provides kit that includes a digital-pen and headphone.
Students who work repetitively with worksheets demonstrate a higher level of in-depth understand of the subject.


We believe that while conventional methods of repetition and memorization may improve procedural competency, these methods short change our children and will not instill the conceptual level of understanding required to be truly world class students and individuals.

Richer and more conceptual learning opportunities are available if students are encouraged to present multiple solutions and examine the relative advantages of different methods.
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