To be the best you need to be trained in the best. That is why cybeRShala was born. We have realized that a gap exists between what is taught and what can be learned, and it is our mission to fill that gap and bring out the best in everyone. We truly empower children to achieve extraordinary results.
Founder : Ripujeet Sharma |
Having traveled the globe and seen the world, Ripujeet knows the importance of a good education. In 2005, he realized that his boys were not doing well in school so he began a quest to find out why and how. What he discovered was surprising-there was a gap between what children can learn and what is taught to them. His research led him to supplement his children’s education with Singapore math for 2 years. He had spectacular results. Both his children now love math and are solving challenging problems with ease. This was the beginning of his dream to share the same spectacular results with the rest of the world. Hence cybershala.com was born. Cybershala.com truly empowers children by providing "alternate curriculum" that are the best the world has to offer. Ripujeet is an Engineer and Masters of Business by qualification. For nearly 15 years, he provided IT consulting to a variety of different Fortune 500 companies. |
Advisor : Ray Tenebruso |
Ray Tenebruso has taught mathematics using the Singapore curriculum since 2001. He has the unusual experience of having taught mathematics at all grade levels from four through twelve. Based on this experience, he notes "In the higher grades, success seems to come more naturally to those students who have had Singapore mathematics in the early grades than to those who have not." In addition to teaching mathematics, Mr. Tenebruso has advised schools throughout the United States on implementing Singapore mathematics and has been featured at teacher training workshops on Singapore mathematics. |
Cofounder : Archana Sharma |
With a background in science and 12 years of nursing experience, Archana was instrumental in the design of cybershala.com and its teaching approach. Strongly advocating that “Education is the best gift parents can give their children," she has committed herself to bringing the fruits of better education to families. Currently, she is leading our efforts to implement a science curriculum for cybershala.com. |